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About The Book

The Full Story

When I first set out on this spiritual journey, I didn’t intend for it to challenge long-held beliefs or shake religious foundations—but here we are. What started as a deeply personal quest for truth evolved into a journey of spiritual awakening, deeper thought, self-reflection, and freedom from the mental chains imposed by centuries of religious dogma. My personal quest has evolved into a calling to share what I discovered—insights that disrupted everything I thought I knew about faith, God, and spirituality. 


For much of my life, I lived within the confines of traditional religious beliefs. I taught them. I preached them. I defended them—until I couldn’t anymore. Something deep within me demanded answers that couldn’t be found in sermons, scripture, or ritual. It wasn’t backsliding. It wasn’t walking away from God. It wasn’t being deceived by the devil. It wasn’t rebellion—it was a longing for truth. It was a relentless inner voice asking, “Is this really who God is? Or have we been worshiping a God created in man’s image?”


This book is not about destroying faith or rejecting spirituality—it’s about liberation. It’s about tearing down distorted images of God that were created to control and manipulate, and reimagining the divine in a way that resonates with our own hearts, minds, and lived experiences. It’s about rediscovering the sacred within ourselves and realizing that we’ve always been connected to the divine—not through fear, but through love, truth, and self-awareness.


I don’t claim to have all the answers, and I’m not here to tell you what to believe or what not to believe. My hope is that this book will challenge you, provoke thought, and spark conversations within your soul. You won’t find rigid theology here—just stories, reflections, and ideas meant to inspire you to question, rethink, and rediscover.


So, consider this an invitation—a personal call to explore, to unlearn, to question, and to reconstruct your understanding of the divine on your own terms. You are the thinker, the seeker, and the creator of your own unique spiritual journey.


Let’s begin!

— B. Jamel Broadnax, The Conscious Bishop

Let’s Keep In Touch 


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